Who Will?We, the Church, are saying, "We Will" to what God is doing! We will unite, seek God, pray, and repent.
The Cinnamon Center
Situated within the historic Keplar School building, the establishment serves as an extension of Burem Church's outreach efforts. This endeavor has been realized and will persist as a testament to the enduring legacy of Norman and Debbie Cinnamon. The building will serve as a hub for community gatherings, with a vision of establishing a Christian school. Despite the building requiring numerous repairs, our unwavering faith will drive us forward. This vision planted more than two decades ago, remains steadfast, and we hold firm in our belief that it will ultimately come to fruition with His guidance.
Burke Camp is a nondenominational church camp in upstate New York. Located just minutes from the Canadian border, and operating now for over 70 years! Each year numerous families come out to the Camp, nestled back in the woods, for a week of Bible Study, Games, and Worship. Community outreach, witnessing, and even some fun slid into the packed week of growing closer. Spiritual togetherness, along with some strong family ties welcome you to a week of quiet, and focus on God. If you would like more information please contact Jon and Tara Stevenson through our church page.
GoTell Ministries
Since our initial encounter with the GoTell Ministries team, our church's enthusiasm has been unwavering. Joining forces with a ministry dedicated to salvation brings us immense joy. The Upper East TN GoTell Crusade created an unprecedented sense of unity among us, resulting in a transformative experience for our church. This season will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Over the past summers, interns from GoTell Ministries have dedicated their time to serve in Hawkins County. It was a privilege to welcome them and spend a day together at the Cinnamon Center, as they continue to positively impact our community.
Honduras Mission
The Burem Mission team partnered alongside Saving Grace International Ministries to serve in Honduras. An area that absolutely stole their hearts was when the team was given the opportunity to serve the Tolupan Indians.
The Tolupan Indians are listed in the National and World Heritage of Indigenous Peoples Organization and this is a civilization that is cut off from the rest of the world. Out of fear, they migrated to the most beautiful mountain named Montaña de la Flor (Mountain of the Flower) and their history dates back some 5000 years ago, long before the rise of the Maya civilization. They speak their own Tol language and survive completely off the land struggling with severe poverty. |
Heartbeat International Missions - Philippines
A divine appointment, in 2022 Brilliant passed by our church traveling. He decided to come back and join the service. A friendship was formed and continued to grow as the church learned more about the mission work of this family. Since that day, others from the Ofrecio family have join us at Burem to provide updates and share the word. We are pleased to partner with Heartbeat International Missions to support this family and their continued work to spread the gospel through the Philippines.
Our Jamaica mission is Burem’s oldest outreach. It is actually older than the church itself! Several of our charter members met Obadiah Bailey in 1997 while on a church construction mission trip to Venezuela. That meeting started a relationship that has lasted over 25 years.
We began restoring and adding to OB’s childhood church on the mountain in Mt. Vernon, Jamaica. When the Lord impressed OB to return from America to live full time, we partnered to help build The Beacon of Hope Mission house. Down through the years, construction projects continued, a new sanctuary in the mission house was built, week-long Vacation Bible Schools held, and Crusade services were called. The Beacon of Hope began as a mission and is now a fully organized church. God has blessed our partnership with The Beacon and we are still working with Pastor OB Bailey and his wife, Iona to win Jamaica for Christ. Over the years, many Christians have experienced their first short-term, foreign mission service at The Beacon of Hope. As we continue this outreach, below are some of the ways we are serving Christ through our support of The Beacon:
Rock of Ages Prison Ministry - Colter Patterson
A few of our men heard Colter Patterson preach at a nearby Cowboy church. He was soon invited to preach at Burem, that evening a special soul was saved. The church saw his heart for spreading the gospel, and is honored to support him on the mission field in Alaska. Colter works in a local prison as he embodies compassion, hope, and spiritual support within the correctional environment. He has a heart committed to making a positive difference, to provide a comforting presence to those incarcerated, offering guidance, solace, and a listening ear. Through his unwavering dedication, he helps inmates find redemption, renewal, and a sense of purpose, regardless of their past mistakes. His work extends beyond the prison walls, instilling a sense of faith, healing, and transformation that reaches deep into the lives of those he touches throughout the community. With his commitment to promoting spiritual growth and fostering a brighter future, through his prison ministry he truly shines as a beacon of light amidst challenging circumstances.
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Be a Light in this world.